I'll make this short and sweet. It's late, I'm tired, and I've posted a lot this week! Give a sista a break!
Thanks to Lauren of the Upper East Side Chronicle for choosing this weeks TWD selection: 4 star chocolate bread pudding. I have to be honest, I've never been a fan of bread pudding. The consistency was always weird to me and I never quite understood the marriage of white bread with pudding. It's just strange.

With that said, I wasn't a huge fan of this recipe. I even doubled the chocolate with the idea that super chocolaty would equal super delicious. Wrong. I'm sorry to be such a Debbie downer but it is what it is...I just didn't like it! OK? Geez.
The other TWD'ers seemed to have really enjoyed this, so don't go by my biased bread pudding feelings. Check out Lauren's blog for the recipe!
Oh goodness, don't feel bad. I didn't like it either. :) I thought I would. I really did .. I mean chocolate? Bread pudding? What's not to like, right? But I just didn't. Oh well. There's always next week!
Sorry you didn't love it but at least you tried! Your pudding looks yummy with all that chocolate :)
You have been a blogging fool this week. I'm not a fan of bread pudding wither, but it still looks good :-)
haha- I feel exactly the same way about bread pudding! Yours looks amazingly chocolaty though!
Its okay not to like it. I love bread pudding but don't know if I would like it with chocolate. Yours looks tasty, tho'.
I wasn't sure about the combo either, but luckily I liked it. Next week will definitely be better, right? :)
I didn't like this one either. We can't like them all. It looks good though.
Sorry you didn't like it! I really enjoyed this, especially warmed up with chocolate syrup or cream anglaise!
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